'Tho we may be a close-knit group, it never hurts for a member or two to make friends
(intelligent or otherwise) outside the ring. Mayhap they e'en tag along for the ride once
in a while. We've certainly met a lot of people, and many of them have become very strong
influences in our lives. Here are a few of the many that we would like to aknowledge for
everything they've done.
BEANER'S DOGS - Santa's reindeer they're not, although they're almost as numerous. We can name a few: Wiener, Princess - the proud parents of the "lovely" children: P-chan, Shampoo, Chester, and the late Genma (RIP). Thank you, doggies, for all the clear sinuses, the tender ankles, and the violent moodswings worthy of a manic depressive. We won't be surprised if you get to live longer than we do.