Want to meet some of our friends on the web? Thanks
to this beautiful Internet thing, our compadré's are just a mouse-click away. We wouldn't
be surprised if EVERYone we know has a web page of their own!
Again, thanks to the Web, a lot of us can access
our favorite hobbies and fancies easily. Here are a couple of our members' favorite sites!
Nic's favorite sites:
- CNNinteractive - "The best up-to-date
news site for the global man."
- Yahoo! - "Still my favorite when
it comes to concise searching. Then there's Alta Vista."
- Gamespot - "Neat reviews and
other stuff on PC Gaming. I quit my magazine subscription 'cuz of this."
- The Internet Movie Database -
"Everything you want to know about movies is here... trust me..."
SLY's favorite links:
- Excite - "the place where i get the latest
entertainment news from around the world."
- Another Universe.com -"i love to go comic book
shopping here since they offer really great deals and exclusive editions."
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