Role in The Gang: Local Idiot
Distinguishing Feature: One eye higher than the other. Tattoo of little
man on left buttcheek
Fashion Mind-set: The "Bum" look
Animal Totem: Dolphins! Pengwings!
- Movie and/or TV Show: "Star Wars",
"The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
- Book and/or Writer: Stephen King
- Song and/or Singer: Billy Joel
- Drink: Fresh Mango
- Brand Name: Dexters (shoes)
- In General: Computer Games, Animation
Chatting Buddy: Biffo the Emasculated PsychoClown
Pet Peeves: Anything plastic
Greatest Achievement: Trekking from Pasig to Makati
Greatest Disaster: "Upping" the audience in a school play
Greatest Ambition: To make a blockbuster or bestseller
Best Quality: Striking resemblance to Jim Carrey (daw)
Worst Quality: Vulnerable Naiveté (Then again, YOU could count it as a
good quality.)
Habits (Good/Bad): apologizing / meaning it
Favorite Saying:
they were right, I'd agree.
it's them they know, not me." - Cat Stevens
Favorite Word: Thingee
I'd like people to think of me as another Guybrush Threepwood, ghost
busting stud!
I can't live without hope.
The one thing I won't share is my little book of Gang secrets in case I need to
blackmail someone.
If you hear someone say "Pwet ng kabayo!" It'd probably be me.
And finally, I'd just like to say "You're a hotdog, but you'd better
not try to hurt her, Frank'furter!"
